Fox Factory Invests $1 Million in First Year of Trail Trust

Dec 4, 2022
by FOX Factory  

Fox Factory created Trail Trust in November 2021 to become a new kind of champion – one that leads the way in delivering sustainable adventure to everyone. In just one year, Fox Factory has donated over $1 million to more than 70 nonprofit organizations across seven countries worldwide.


“As an industry leader, we believe it’s our responsibility to ensure that our playgrounds continue to exist for generations to come, and that the outdoor adventurers enjoying these playgrounds represent people of all ages, genders, races, backgrounds, and ability levels,” explains Jackie Martin, Fox Factory’s Chief Purpose and Inclusion Officer.


From volunteer-led grassroots organizations to national nonprofits, Trail Trust partners are building and maintaining new trail systems, educating the public about responsible recreation, and expanding access. In just one year, support from Trail Trust enabled over 10,000 individuals from underrepresented communities to experience the thrill of adventure.


Kootenay Adaptive Sport Association, Trail Trust partner and nonprofit organization, advocates for access, trails, and recreation opportunities for adaptive mountain bikers.

“Thanks to support from Trail Trust, we have been able to expand our reach and role within the aMTB [adaptive mountain bike] community, build and develop important policies, and lay the groundwork for even more access to sport and recreation in North America. We’re grateful for Fox Factory’s commitment to making mountain biking more inclusive,” shares Mike Riediger, Chief Executive Officer of Kootenay Adaptive.


When it comes to off-road motorized recreation, Trail Trust’s continued partnership with the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council is focused on educating stakeholders about how to design, construct, maintain and manage sustainable OHV trails. Trail Trust is also working with organizations like Nevada Outdoor School to educate adventurers of all ages about how to safely and responsibly engage in off-road recreation.

Trail Trust Launch Photos

Follow along the Trail Trust journey by visiting "The Journal," which highlights partners and showcases the impact of their work.

Fox Factory aims to invest $10 million globally through Trail Trust by 2030. That’s $10 million going toward new trails, education initiatives, youth programs, bike parks, desert clean ups, and more. The goal is to specifically expand access to 100,000 adventurers from underrepresented populations.

Join the journey to champion sustainable adventure for all. Know of a nonprofit organization that shares this vision? Encourage them to visit to learn more about this Fox Factory initiative and apply for funding.

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foxfactory avatar

Member since Dec 3, 2008
53 articles

  • 151 4
 All right Pinkers, let's put feelings about "flow trails" & specific brands aside: if every major industry player re-invested 7-figures in building sanctioned trails of any kind, it would be a huge step forward for trail access worldwide. 50% of the "core," unsanctioned trails in my area have been bulldozed by developers in the last 2yrs. The math is simple: no sanctioned builds, no access.
  • 40 32
 The problem lies in modeling those "flow trails" you don't want us talking about, to be the only type ever to be built and dumbing down the core technical sport that we all enjoy. Hence, more and more bootleg trails will be built that riders actually wan't to ride, having natural occurring changes such as line choices,roots, rocks and drops, which Ironically is what Suspension is designed for!

To add the trail designers hired are typically from other areas (not local) and bid these projects at astronomical numbers. They'll probably eventually be installing E charging stations as well to these trails LMAO!!!! Be prepared to spend upwards of 30 % more for your suspension eventually as well.
  • 8 1
 I don't disagree that more companies need to be feeding into trails, but I think there needs to be money poured into a legal team to help fight situations like you mentioned. There needs to be a means of legally going to jurisdictions and getting access to property and creating contracts that the trails won't get flattened. I think there is a big area for improvement there especially in America with how litigious the culture is.
  • 9 4
 7 figures eh? like, as a rule?
Maybe lets focus on a percentage of revenue? There are a few brands that donate to trail building AND other causes. I am pretty sure SRAM runs this and looks like they are closing in on donating 700k bikes to people in Africa.
Pretty sure Santa Cruz has donated 7 figures to trails, Specialized I think has more than one charity they run, on and on.
That being said, Thanks Fox. Now we know what the tail is doing, is the fox head doing any cool stuff?
  • 26 1
 @likeittacky: flow trails or natural trails is a false dichotomy. Trail building organizations create a range of trails. A lot of trails on Tiger Mountain outside Seattle are chunky. The lower trails in the Phil's Network outside Bend are flowy. So many trails in BC are chunky except where they build with wood to bail you out of the chunky zones.

In the Pacific Northwest we have a massive number of purpose-built mountain bike trails of all different kinds. You can essentially ride whatever type of trail you want to ride with an easy striking distance from Seattle. Personally I love it - I don't need to ride one type of trail all the time to feel happy about mountain biking and in fact like variety.

What makes this possible is that our mountain bike trail building organizations have a shit ton of funding. Then you look at a place like San Diego were they don't have good funding and most trails are dog shit random hiking tracks beat the shit and unmaintained.

More money for trails is a good thing.
There's no part of it that makes mountain biking worse once there's enough money for a lot of trails.
  • 5 1
 @likeittacky: Fox could in their application , ask for the designation of the trails they need help with . Fox could keep a tally and moving forward be able to balance the funds to represent the whole riding population and not just blue trail riders . This is a huge step in the right direction , all we can hope for is that it becomes contagious
  • 5 0
 Ha beat me too it. I was going to bring up tiger and raging river @hankj:
  • 2 0
 @hankj: Didn't predator cost 500k? Worth every penny in my book. But still is a proper investment to get a good trail like that.
  • 13 0
 @BMXJJ327: Look at Vermont as an example where the mountain bike advocacy group (the Vermont Mountain Bike Association) successfully lobbied for a Landowner Liability Protection law that has opened up tons of private land for public use:

12 V.S.A. § 5793.

"(a) Land. An owner shall not be liable for property damage or personal injury sustained by a person who, without consideration, enters or goes upon the owner's land for a recreational use unless the damage or injury is the result of the willful or wanton misconduct of the owner."

This relatively simple provision has provided the basis for access to a massive amount of private land for recreation. VMBA also provides insurance to landowners which covers the cost a lawyer to get claims against landowners thrown out of court via the above provision.

If your State doesn't have this type of law. Bring the language to your local legislator, along with stats regarding the massive positive impact of outdoor recreation (and mountain biking in particular). It is a no-brainer as it reduces frivolous lawsuits (which everyone hates) and supports landowners opening up their land for recreation (which is great for the mind, body, and public wallet).

Landowner Liability Act:,wanton%20misconduct%20of%20the%20ownera.

VMBA's landowner resources:
  • 4 0
 @bonkmasterflex: That is exactly what I am talking about. Thank you for sharing.
  • 3 0
 @bonkmasterflex: British Columbia has something similar with BC Occupiers Liability Act. So good to have.
  • 7 0
 Our work is not just for Trail Building! We support organizations increasing Diversification, Advocacy, Job Training, Youth Riders, Environmental Protection and more - check out the list of advocacy groups here:
  • 5 14
flag DetroitCity (Dec 5, 2022 at 11:47) (Below Threshold)
 @foxfactory: aren't you just woke af! Make sure you hit all of man's virtues.
  • 2 0
 @jake28: Not that He brought reason to the discussion but rather pointing out the fact, that within a certain
region as PNW it has their shit together... and I agree 100%. PNW has such a diverse landscape and top notch trails with a plethora of well designed well maintained progressive trails; combined with funding and trail builders that know WTF and how to properly make trails and maintain them. In many parts of the East for example, there is a ridiculous political type approach with a model for (sanitized- flow reroutes) everywhere, all of which have terrible rollers every 15 ft, + corners that have massive water drainage ditches or a goofy roller instead of berms! They introduced this way of designing trails some time ago and are on a destructive -fast paced path to, eventually abolish all trails that don't fit their crazy model idea.
  • 3 1
 @likeittacky: Sounds like you should get involved with the trail org that is making these changes you don't like, and help point them in the right direction.

I got involved with my local trail chapter so I could build trails that I want to ride. So far it's going quite well.
  • 2 3
 @bonkmasterflex: No thanks been their tried that. Like i said too political and the model is their only blueprint
  • 3 1
 @likeittacky: Its not like I enjoy the hours of meetings and filling out permits and paperwork, and dealing with spicy personalities.... I'd rather be riding and digging... but nothing gets done if you give up because you think you can't get along with people.
  • 1 0
 @DetroitCity: Probably not doing anything in your area. You may have to carry that flag yourself.
  • 1 0
 @bonkmasterflex: I completely agree; although not a matter of not getting along or spicy attitudes, but rather a course they maintain as mentioned above that is systematically implemented. The Forestry also has stringent requirements on the work being done and dictates it. The differences between the West coast and East, is Forest Management is a bit more relaxed, works well with trail builders etc.. and allowing more progressive trail designs. Where in the East it revolves around a safety belt approach and old-school Redneck mentality with a bias to the sport and its traffic. In the past it's been a very ridged environment but is slowly becoming slightly passive recently, with the advent of Forestry positions being filled with those more attune to and involved in MTB or their family members and friends .
  • 64 5
 ANY trail building, ANY trail building... Is a great thing. It is too easy? You are such a hardcore dude huh? Well, time for you to shut the F up and grab a shovel.
  • 5 0
 Couldn’t have said it better myself
  • 7 4
 And get myself a ticket or my shit impounded? No thanks. It's not that simple in a lot of places. I do pick up a shovel and try to volunteer as much as I can with my local trail organization, but that often amounts to drain cleaning, fallen tree removal, and occasional rock armoring of existing trails. Every couple of years there is more intensive work, to decomission "unsustainable" trails and put in sidewalks. Yes, there is an extensive off the map zone where people dig their own trails, but that's a huge risk. I think it is perfectly reasonable to complain that all the funding and public focus is on trails that are an entry into the sport, or jump lines at a bike park. It takes private funding to get anything cool done. Recently in WNC we have: Black Mountain reroute to a sidewalk, brand new trails in Old Fort which are sidewalks, Dupont lake imaging area resurface turned existing sidewalks into a giant rollercoaster more fun on my rigid steel bike, planned butter gap reroute to a sidewalk, Berm Park while cool is just jump and flow lines. The only cool thing we've got coming is Rock Creek, Neko's new park opening this weekend. All the other work just dumbs things down. So it's not as simple as just picking up a shovel when the people tasked with directing trail design choose to put in boring stuff.
  • 8 2
 The dumbing down of existing trails to make them more accessible for entry level riders is not a great thing. The creation of trails by entities that are not qualified to build them properly is also not a great thing.
  • 3 0
 @maxgod: good points... we could use more people fixing up existing trails though
  • 2 2
 @pisgahgnar: then get involved and push for the trails you want. It takes time and effort but that’s what builds long term epic trail networks. I spent years maintaining and building and working to get gnarlier trails open in a spot I used to live and finally the community support is there along with a new group of folks in trail system management.

I agree so hard with @trashpander275. If you have time to comment on every PB article you have time to get involved.
  • 1 0
 @zmums: Sorry to disagree but that is NOT the case in Pisgah. It's regressing to an overworked disaster of flow. Using Kitsuma again, ridden it since 1993. Ridgeline, rooty, rhododendron trail that was bar width wide.
G5 Collective and those NorCal investor rich kids w/ their $185 flannels are working it every week with rakes.

Worst part is their LOPPERS. They're cutting all the embedded roots of living trees in the trail to make it possible for beginners to pedal up a BLACK trail. Their trail work is doing far more damage than good.

It never needed drying out. It was never wet. Friends used to love to trail run up it (4 miles "up"). Now, not a hiker wants anywhere near it. It's a flow track. And "Seth the internet profiteer" & all the other media grabs are using it to promote "TrailsNC". They can preach noble intent, but it's overkill. That organic, solid earth wilderness trail was beautiful.'s a BIKE TRACK. It blended into the forest & meandered.'s a rocket ship with muddy mini-kickers, 4 foot high clay berms
  • 1 0

yeah man, that sucks.

My point stands. If you hate that then get in the drivers seat. That’s all I’m sayin.
  • 34 1
 So Fox invest $1,000,000 into trails and PB commentators still find things to whinge about. It’s almost like these (minority of readers) don’t really like mountain biking.

Fox could have just passed that money on to their shareholders/owners instead.
  • 2 9
flag DetroitCity (Dec 5, 2022 at 5:38) (Below Threshold)
 They donated 150k usd
  • 7 0
 @DetroitCity: I thought it said $1,000,000 over 70 non-profit companies across 7 countries?

And even if it was $150,000 that’s still more money than you or I have spent.

We should be trying to look for the positives and not trying to drag everyone down.
  • 13 1
 Our work is not just for Trail Building! We support organizations increasing Diversification, Advocacy, Job Training, Youth Riders, Environmental Protection and more - check out the list of advocacy groups here:
  • 4 0
 @foxfactory: all great causes. Keep up the good work
  • 1 0
 Or Fox could have provided their employees with competitive pay and benefits. But employees come and go, good marketing and PR is all that matters.
  • 35 2
 Thanks fox
  • 28 1
 The best riders by destinations have both renegade and level trails.

Let the corps with deep pockets build the flow trails and jumps. The local builders can build the gnarlier stuff.

Everyone wins.

But please, keep complaining about *checks notes* new bike trails
  • 9 0
 Damn autocorrect and fat fingers. Let’s try that again:

The best trail networks have both renegade and sanctioned trails.

Let the corps with deep pockets build the flow trails and jumps. The local builders can build the gnarlier stuff.
  • 3 4
 The thing is blue trails attract more people - which is good, but some of them progress and then illegal trails see a lot more people than authorities can bare. I can see it in my area where you can find more people on illegal trails than on legal ones and this create a lots of friction with forestry and private owners. Fortunately is is very very hard to destroy a natural trail and it is the only reason they still exists, they know that this is relatively easy to reconstruct or reroute. But this is just a matter of rider pressure, there is definitely a point when the authorities will declare an open war with illegal trails.
  • 2 0
 @leelau I guess it depends where you ride and build, but all I see in my riding zones are trail orgs building trails and renegade builders building trails. If the renegade stuff is decent then the trail orgs end up incorporating into their networks. Everyone wins.

Of course if you build janky sketchy shit then it gets shut down. If you build on private property it gets shut down. But proper double blacks and proper tech are embraced regardless of who/how it gets built.

This is the way
  • 1 0
 @Clownshoe: I think we're spoiled. We have so many people building trails that we as riders and builders can have so many different flavours. Our land managers are pretty laissez-faire and thru mostly omission (rather than overt action) allow the situation where a crazy variety and amount of trails spring up. .

I do feel bad for other regions where there is only one way to do things and often it's via bureaucratic management that results in lowest common denominator vanilla flavour of trails
  • 43 14
 The irony of Fox Factory donating money to build trails that are best enjoyed by bikes without suspension is not lost on me.
  • 15 1
 Hey now. Get yourself a steel rigid singlespeed and these blue flow trails are a blast with way less maintenance.. keeps your skills sharp for trips to the real trails on weekends.
  • 3 1
 No mo flo. Lol.
  • 10 4
 Don't forget that they take their 6" travel 29er monster travel e-bikes illegally on trails that have clear No E-Bikes signage (that they donate to sanitize)...and do it all in their company logo-ed van so they can advertise
  • 5 0
 @blowmyfuse: You go by Bent Creek gap on any given weekend too? Yesterday morning there were at least six vans packed with E-bikes and a few people shuttling downhill bikes for the off the map stuff. It's getting absurd and is going to result in a lot of shit shut down for the rest of us.
  • 1 0
 @pisgahgnar: The bandit trails dropping in from up there is getting close to a dozen now. I've had buddies suggest it's easier on your vehicle to park up there to ride the legal loops in Mills rather than drive in from the bottom.

But I've honestly avoided parking up there b/c I can see all of them posting their hot laps on Strava like crazy. Even I'm smart enough to avoid that conflict. There are new rangers in the district finally that have been hired and are being tasked with "educating" so maybe change will happen soon before NONE of us get to ride anything.
  • 3 0
 @blowmyfuse: I almost took out a family hiking with two kids under ten and an off leash labradoodle on a trail named for a certain slang term for white people. Once hikers get hurt by people bombing the bandit stuff we're going to have a problem.
  • 2 0
 @pisgahgnar: I don't think it's once. Pretty sure it's already happened 3 times this summer that I've heard. But since PNF had a staff shortage, not much was made of it.

Meanwhile, G5 Trail Collective & PAS are tossing more bedrock & soil off the edge of trails in search of bigger and bigger grants & ignoring shutting down bandit stuff that will get them and us all booted. So many pats on the back & beer hugs with that crap right now.

There are those in the trail clubs with good intentions, but the $185 flannel shirted Keen footwear urbanites and their collapsible do gooder tools are too busy bragging, boasting and blabbing to just shut up and get a sawyer license to clear downed trees or remove invasive plants.

Oh, by the way...I'm headed down to Tryon within the next few weeks to learn permanent kudzu removal techniques. Conserving Carolina has this almost impossible to attend 9-11am weekly meet up down there.
  • 1 0
 @AccidentalDishing: I take my DJ on some local “black diamond” (blue flow with a couple gap jumps) trails for that reason. I’m not seriously complaining about Fox Factory donating money, but I don’t expect it’ll lead to many new expert level trails. More trails is nothing to complain about.
  • 19 3
 As much as I like to see $$$ going to trail building, I honestly think the best place for all of this money is into advocacy work. When it comes to any type of trail work it is always easier to find people who are willing to dig than it is to find people who are willing to meet with government officials, do research, complete reports and proposals, organize fund raising events, etc, etc. Advocacy is the dirty work that most people don't sign up for but it's the work that's most needed to keep trail orgs rolling so that there are trails to build an maintain.
  • 4 0
 Our work is not just for Trail Building! We support organizations increasing Diversification, Advocacy, Job Training, Youth Riders, Environmental Protection and more - check out the list of advocacy groups here:
  • 2 0
 As someone who does this. I have to heavily disagree with you. It only takes one dedicated dude to advocate for trail networks. And if he has funding for the trails it will be even easier. Getting 10 guys that are willing to show up once every week to build is a lot harder. So I would much rather have money invested in the trail building.
  • 1 0
 @foxfactory: Yup, saw that in the article. This is just my own personal perspective on where funding is needed most after having been around or involved with trails orgs for close to 20yrs now.
  • 1 0
 @mtb-jon: I guess that depends on the location, size of the riding community and the level of difficulties in dealing with government officials. In some areas trail orgs have to work really hard to gain access to lands before any trail work can even be done. Plus I've seen the success a well run trail organization can have in mobilizing bodies to get out to trail days, organizing events to raise funds to support trail days, and raising money to run the trail days themselves including things like tools, swag and paying for a trail day lunch/bbq.

Having a paid trail org administrator also means having someone who can apply for and write grant proposals to gain funding to pay for trail maintenance. Putting money towards the advocacy/admin side of a trail org is an investment in the truest sense of the word as the benefits of that money can be multiplied to gain even more funding. When limited dollars are available, investing in admin/advocacy pays a big return that in the end can net you more money to be put towards building/maintaining. Dollars to pay trail crews are important, but imho dollars invested in admin/advocacy will pay off even more in the long run.
  • 2 0
 @synchro: yeah that makes sense. I can only speak from my own experiences. But what you wrote makes sense. The biggest hurdle in sweden is slow moving bureaucracy.
  • 9 1
 So good to see initiatives like Trail Trust. Hope to see a lot more companies in the industry double down on advocacy and sustainable trail creation.
  • 11 2
 Love to see it!
  • 7 0
 Is Fox Factory the tail, head or both?
  • 7 0
  • 1 0
 the news
  • 2 0
 Great news about Fox investing $1 million in trail development for MTB! This is a huge step forward for the sport and will undoubtedly help improve the quality and accessibility of trails for riders. I can't wait to see the results of this investment and hope that it inspires other companies to follow suit. This is a fantastic example of how the cycling industry can give back to the community and support the growth of the sport. Thanks, Fox!

(writen by open ai) - though it might be amusing to get AI to write my comments for me....
  • 3 0
 Perhaps they should send some trail building consultants to the local city and county municipalities to school them on how to build trails. Wink
  • 3 2
 this is not a donation... this is an investment, if there are trails there are customers for this company... also tax cuts. Don't be naive... none of the corporations will give away any money just because it is nice. At least they are INVESTING it to proper organizations
  • 3 0
 Time to send some Trail lobbyist to Washington! Lol
  • 7 4
 They should invest in their Float X2 also
  • 1 2
 Hell yeah, totally.
  • 4 3
 This is really positive, but the thanks must go out to all those which invest in Fox, buy their stuff and keep having it serviced every other month. All hail Rockshox.
  • 2 0
 Hopefully they raised the $ by selling off all their orange paint since theyll be ditching that for '23(we hope).
  • 1 0
 Hey @pinkbikeaudience how about being an actual news site and reporting this about Fox:
  • 6 3
  • 9 8
 Imagine if they spent that money on getting their X2s to actually be reliable.
  • 3 2
 Why are people wearing helmets when trailbuilding now? This is the second one i've seen today.......

  • 1 0
 Liability in the US I guess. If I go out with the local org to drag a rake across a trail they make you wear them along with safety glasses.
  • 2 1
 Bike industry take notice: You E would all much rather money goes to new trails rather than "influencers"
  • 5 3
 Why we love you
  • 5 3
 Let’s go!!!
  • 8 11
 Turns out selling $800 shocks that need a $150 service every year is pretty profitable. Be cooler if they did a free service with proof of donation to your local trail organization or something that is much more likely to benefit you directly. Instead of helping a big corporation move some money around on the books but good on em either way.
  • 3 1
 Donmt most people get their shocks serviced through 3rd party companies like TF Tuned, Sprung and the like?
  • 3 0
 @CustardCountry: *most* people aren't getting their suspension serviced at all. The ones that even bother are most likely sticking to lowers servicing. It's definitely a small percentage of riders that get or even know about full factory servicing. I've sent my fork to the fox factory before, and at least around here in Salt Lake there is only one shop I know of that is even certified to perform a full factory service.
  • 3 3
 With a service centre at the end so you can get your x2 fixed before the next lap.
  • 1 0
 LOOKS LIKE A SESSION! ...someday soon on some new trails thanks to fox!
  • 1 1
 I like seeing all the hard hats trailbuilding got to be carful of mountainbikers falling down from the sky
  • 1 0
 @PinkBike deleting comments yet again.
  • 3 3
 One million gets you nowhere today...
  • 1 0
 A down-payment on the EIS.
  • 2 0
 2025 Santa Cruz Nomad?
  • 1 3
 So Far they have donated $149,500. So all local trails should get some funds. that be sweet if they dole out 1 mil.
  • 2 4
 They could invest it in quality control... got three Fox stuff & all went back on waranty to fix them
  • 4 7
 Invest in a CSU that will stop creaking. My $2000 Fox 38 creaks like a bead head in a university dorm.
  • 1 0
 Zeb doesn't
  • 11 14
 1 million in R&D could maybe solve the creaking CSU problems.
  • 22 3
 I'd rather have a new local trail and a creaky fork than quiet fork‍.
  • 15 3
 It's easier to just pay people to build smooth trails where the CSU won't be stressed.
  • 2 0
 Has anyone fixed this issue? Pure curiosity. I've used Fox and Rockshox but never had this issue, though people often seem to.
  • 1 0
 @falkyn: Currently getting my Bomber Z1 fixed for that. Had a DT Swiss OPM ODL fork previously that developped the same problem and was fixed by changing the CSU.
  • 1 0
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