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Welcome to the Darkside

May the force be with you... Filmed by: Keegan Quiroz, Isaac Wallen, Pete Nell, and Paps! Song: Ace of Spades - Motorhead


  • + 36
 He should have ridden with that cape on!! Big Grin
  • + 13
 that was such a creative intro i loved it, and then the riding made it even better
  • + 10
 Sick bike ! Sick edit ! Sick song ! Sick riding !
  • + 8
 I wish I could favourite this 100,000 times, pasting to all my enduro mates as you read this
  • + 3
 This and the loose fest highlights are the best 2 edits I've seen for at least the last week... Both featured Motörhead big airs and mad shredding... I want to ride my bike.
  • + 4
 great video, made me chuckleSmile
  • + 4
  • + 2
 "And your goggles just look weird"
  • + 3
 I pretty sure what he said was "and your goggles just look ridiculous". But what do I know, I'm not native Razz
  • + 2
 That was rad. You made that bike look as playful as it seems!
  • + 2
 definitely a well deserved VOD, that's for sure
  • + 1
 Anyone know of any good bikes that are under 7g that can be shipped to Australia? Cheers
  • + 4
 Not sure there's anything out there that light ;-)
  • + 1
 Contact one of Banshee's Aistralian dealers... you can find them on the dealer map on their website.
  • + 1
 Darth Fogel FTW! Im coming to Santa Cruz after Rampage, so you better be down to ride some bikes!
  • + 1
 Heck yeah! So stoked!
  • + 3
 Motorhead FTW!
  • + 2
 You can't be totally committed to the darkside with orange laces!
  • + 3
 Oh jeez that was epic
  • + 2
 The intro was hilarious
  • + 2
  • + 2
 hilarious intro
  • + 1
 i was curious what size your fame ride ?
  • + 1
 Oh my
  • + 1
 That was great. So rad!
  • + 0
 where is that one stepup at I cant seem to find it
  • + 1
 It's got a locked chain across the lip (seriously) so don't waste your time
  • + 1
 best into.
  • + 1
 Well done!
  • - 3
 awesome riding, but if the ride is called a DARKside, i don't think it should be painted neon orange
  • + 7
 The frame is named after a trail network near Vancouver
  • + 6
 obviously the bike is his lightsaber! neon reddish orange is the color of the sith Big Grin
  • + 4
 You can get it in black too.

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