- Member since Aug 21, 2011
- Male / 43
Christchurch , New Zealand
- 4 Trailforks Points

jacks0n0 alicialeggett's article
Apr 8, 2024 at 12:44
1 day
What Are The Big Changes Year Over Year in the Pinkbike State of the Sport Survey Results?
Given that the number of riders surveyed is only just over half the number from 2021, you could interpret the pay changes as riders being paid less. Most of the riders not getting paid have are probably too busy working to have time for a survey.

jacks0n0 mikekazimer's article
Mar 19, 2024 at 0:46
Mar 19, 2024
Why Did Bernard Kerr's Prototype Frame Break at Crankworx Rotorua?
@eae903: Yes to the locking lugs. I've played around with bonded aluminium and carbon quite a bit and I really think that a mechanical connection is the only safe way to do it. If you shape the joint with some large scale texture (like > 3mm) and lay up the carbon directly onto it then you can the fibres shaped to really hold the aluminium. This way even if the bonding fails you'll just get a very creaky frame that won't break right away. With a lugged joint and premade carbon tube I think the only way to achieve the same failsafe would be to pin the joint as well as bond it. Alternatively, use premade carbon tubes with carbon lugs à la Calfee.

jacks0n0 edspratt's article
Feb 25, 2024 at 11:47
Feb 25, 2024
Results: New Zealand DH National Championships 2024
@threesixtykickflip: if anything the track got faster for elites as it dried. The difference is that this was the peak event for the juniors, but just a fun weekend for the top international riders

jacks0n0 alicialeggett's article
Dec 24, 2023 at 12:08
Dec 24, 2023
Alicia Leggett's 2024 Predictions
Would a bike company be in bigger trouble now if they were overstocked like everyone else, of if they had the perfect stock level but still had to massively discount because everyone else was? I don't know the answer to that question but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if overstocking turns out to be the best strategy

jacks0n0 mattbeer's article
Dec 21, 2023 at 10:47
Dec 21, 2023
Matt Beer's 2024 Predictions
@cougar797: I've had upside-down forks forks too (MRP and DVO). Great at speed but I did find the flex a problem at low speeds or loaded up un berms. My theory vs moto is that optimal fore aft stiffness depends on the total weight of the system, which is a lot more for moto that mtb. Optimal torsional stiffness depends on the strength of the rider to hold the bars straight, which is the same for both disciplines. USD forks get the ratio for fore-aft to torsional stiffness right for a heavy moto, right side up forks get the ratio right for a light MTB

jacks0n0 jacks0n0's article
Nov 15, 2023 at 10:50
Nov 15, 2023
Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames
@enjin9: Yeah, your comments are great. Constructive and respectful criticism. Thanks for the input.

jacks0n0 jacks0n0's article
Nov 13, 2023 at 10:41
Nov 13, 2023
Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames
@hatton: I agree. I'm confident with my frame, but no way I'd expect you to be confident it nor would I be confident with one you made.

jacks0n0 jacks0n0's article
Nov 12, 2023 at 17:31
Nov 12, 2023
Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames
Yes, that does happen eventually. I reduce the rate of it by priming any exposed aluminium before wrapping. Provided you've got an appropriate bonding texture on the aluminium for the epoxy to form a mechanical bond, a rattle can primer seems to be fine. Some people use a layer of fibreglass under the first layer of carbon fibre, but I don't bother for myself because the galvanic failure seems to take years and the frame will have broken in another way by then anyway. In my experience it is about the same level of problem as using aluminium spoke nipples. Maybe if I lived by the sea or in the UK where my bike was always wet then it would be more of an issue.

jacks0n0 jacks0n0's article
Nov 11, 2023 at 11:55
Nov 11, 2023
Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames
I've had much better luck getting adequate compression on clomplex shapes using insulation tape rather than vacuum bagging. It is very easy to put on multiple layers to achieve the desired compression.

jacks0n0 jacks0n0's article
Nov 11, 2023 at 11:51
Nov 11, 2023
Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames
Double post edited
116 Photos
11 Videos
5 Blog Posts
- Reader Story: Making a Custom Bike By Recycling Old Frames Oct 31, 2023 – Comments: 142
- New Zealand's Only Tandem DH Racers Take On Megavalanche & More Aug 27, 2018 – Comments: 98
- Hold On and Close Your Eyes - Video Feb 11, 2016 – Comments: 11
- Video: Two By Tandem Jul 25, 2014 – Comments: 89
- Quick tandem edit Apr 30, 2014 – Comments: 0