Despite facing significant challenges such as limited resources and environmental restrictions, these riders and trail builders continue to work tirelessly to create more mountain biking opportunities.
Over a year after his femur breaking crash at the 2013 Red Bull Rampage, Mark Matthews' appeals to his medical insurance coverage have him sitting in nearly $40,000 of debt. He and his sponsors have gathered together to put on this fundraiser to help Mark raise funds to eliminate that pile of debt and we can help out too.
iXS athlete Mark Matthews broke his femur at Red Bull Rampage last year and he's worked hard to get back up to speed again. Mind Spark bring you his first video back.
Mark Matthews took a digger at Rampage last year and is happy to say that he is finally able to ride bikes again. But the medical bills from the accident have piled up to say the least. He's going to be holding a fundraiser in June to help cover these costs, more details inside.