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Podcast: Getting to Know FAIR Bicycle

22 hours ago
by Pascal Pensa  

We sat down with Marco Giarrana for a deep dive into his company, FAIR Bicycle. With FAIR, Marco and his business partner Valentin are trying to rewrite the script of what product design and manufacturing means and it was interesting to hear Marco’s thoughts on sustainability, transparency, cradle to cradle design, innovation, working with suppliers and how all those puzzle pieces come together in FAIR Bicycle.

With the Drop Best dropper clamp for mountain bikes and the Daily Hook cargo strap for cargo bikes, FAIR has two products out in the wild to illustrate what their approach actually means in practice and we are sure that are many more to come! To find out more about FAIR and their principles, check out their website or reach out to Marco and Valentin directly.

Have a listen to the episode below or find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any of the other platforms where you find great podcasts! For more info on the podcast, check out the Skids & Giggles website.


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Member since May 29, 2016
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