You may have seen our "Getting to Know" series of interviews, where we talk with the great and good of racing and mountain biking to understand them better or maybe just familiarise ourselves with their career.
I thought I'd bring that to a long-form interview format with some Pinkbike staff and contributors. I'll try and squeeze them in over the summer as and when time allows. Is there anyone you're desperate to hear from? Let me know in the comments section.
Featuring a rotating cast of the editorial team and other guests, the Pinkbike podcast is a weekly update on all the latest stories from around the world of mountain biking, as well as some frank discussion about tech, racing, and everything in between.
Subscribe to the podcast via your preferred service (Apple, Spotify, RSS, Megaphone, etc.), or visit the Pinkbike Podcast tag page for the complete list of episodes.
Pinkbike: “Look at this Mike!”
Pinkers: “Where’s the other Mike?!”
Anyway, as you have explicitly now approved it as a choice, I shall be regarding this all as a massive conspiracy and will be proceeding on that basis.
My neighbors dog just died. I ate a grilled cheese for lunch. My friends cousin got into a car accident. I'm thinking about buying an RV. My neighbor just installed leaf filter on his gutters. Do chipmunks fart?
How's about you all stop being so concerned with other peoples lives? Give it a try, it's refreshing. You all have a sick sick addiction to social media culture, caring more about other peoples lives instead of living your own. It's pathetic and scary.
No decent PB fan wants to know Levy's peronal / private details - he has every right to full privacy. But that has nothing to do with PB failing to make a pre-emptive statement about a major PB figurehead for years - Levy - who just dissapperars, and that's the issue.
What does compromise PB's quality, PB fan's intelligence, and and now Kaz's (excellent) invterview is the endless speculation about Levy - all of which would've been pre-empted by a simple PR 101 one-liner back in April or May. No biggie - we would've all thought "Levy's taking well dserved time off" - even if he was never coming back.
I don't care if Levy was fired, quit, was abducted - none of my biz. But for PB to think fans aren't gonna wonder why, be pissed, inquire, speculate and whiz on every article - esp about the conspiracy master himself - is naive and pretentious - and 1000% avoidable.
Levy was the PB & the pod to me - but Henry seems to have taken over, Kaz is awesome, Dario's sharp & proving himself (and Sarah's missed too...uh oh, where's Sarah???
Now back to Kaz's moment. He's a cool guy too.
PB could've precluded this with a single, simple professional PR 101 statement "hey people, Levy's taking a year off" (whatever) vs head-in-the-sand no statement - which is exaclty what lead to all this distraction & nonsense in the comments here.
They sky is blue, but it's also green.
For what its worth, I am enjoy these types of podcasts the most. Especially the ones with people like RC and Chris Cocalis, etc.
I am looking forward to hearing about you, the person, and not the bike for a change. I appreciate that you pride your reviews on keeping all about the bike/ gear, etc. But I also do like to see what got you to where you are now.
Keep up the good work, I hope everyone there is good or taking the time to get good. Here’s to more podcasts, more field tests, and yes, more riding!
It does give me a warm, fuzzy feeling to see that I'm missed, but let's chill with the "Where'd he go?" comments and appreciate the podcasts and videos that Henry and the rest of the team are making.
Not asking about anything personal - just saying PB could've avoided all this endless junk w/ a basic generic statement acknowleding the obivoius sky blue / grass green fact that Levy disappared. Has zero to do w/ privacy - his life is still private. Simply a matter of a hugly public person being gone - simple, and doesn't involved privacy. Saying nothing only promotes instability.
I'm not interested in anyone's personal life whatsoever, job goals, lives, etc. so as numerous people have stated - for such a publically visible person to vanish w/ zero explanation from PB (which would've pre-empted the vacant speculation) - is disconcerting.
Glad you weren't abducted and we're all stoked for your to visit the aliens, drink hot Monster on the overpass at sunruse, catch a gravel lycra ride, shop for mini's and whatever you want. All good. I'll still never understand why this simple comment couldn't have been offered by PB upfront - most of wouldn't have thought about it again (even if you left, were fired, whatever). Its the commentless vanishing that stupifies.
Thanks for all the presenters for making us laugh, providing insight, and making this sport even more fun. I hope that all of you are able to take enough time off to recharge through the year.
These podcasts are a staple to listen to on the way to the trailhead. Keep them going, thank you!
Why do you feel like anyone owes you an explanation? Mind your own business.
Enjoy your time off. Well earned and hopefully well spent.
........40th overall, 13th for the over 40
It's been a great run,we're all glad you didn't turn XC pro.
Its “Back East” and “Out West.”
“Without the batteries and the motor,” you can get the same workout on an ebike…
There I fixed it for you…