Video: Friday Fails #307

Jan 12, 2024
by Pinkbike Originals  

It's Friday and you know what that means, more Friday Fails!

What was the worst fail from Friday Fails #307?

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pinkbikeoriginals avatar

Member since Feb 15, 2012
1,095 articles

  • 79 0
 This felt like an exceptionally brutal week
  • 6 0
 Yeah man, I agree. Most of them made me cringe.
  • 3 0
 i think that every week
  • 3 0
 Yep, looked extra painful, some of them certainly damage inducing.
  • 4 0
 A bevy of heavies, one might say
  • 5 0
 Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Usually, there are a few that make me laugh, but this week I was just stressed the whole time.
  • 39 0
 As a native New Mexican I feel compelled to carry on a long standing family joke. Why is it so windy in New Mexico???because Texas sucks and Arizona blows. My dad would be so proud right now.
  • 31 0
 Dude in 6 rolled away lucky. Must have dodged 4 or 5 broken ribs with all the stumps he managed to miss.
  • 40 0
 The stump minefield was scary af
  • 10 0
 @BenLow2019: I voted 17 but if it said "scariest" it's 6 hands down - made me break into a sweat but 17 for the pure violence of that slam does it for me.
  • 5 0
 @swellhunter: I voted 21 - crazy high drop- camera perspective took my breath- and also took out his buddy in the rocks. Nasty.
  • 2 0
 @swellhunter: did 17 break a crank/pedal? he folded un-naturally fast
  • 6 0
 I think he was on a Stumpjumper, at least for a bit. Yikes
  • 2 0
 @swellhunter: Yeah 17 for sure hit the ground the hardest. 6 was contemplating all his life choices before hitting the ground.
  • 1 0
 @BenLow2019: That was a huge drop to flat, and what’s up with his buddy not moving out of the way when he could clearly see he was coming right at him?
  • 1 0
 @BenLow2019: I'm always half expecting a bad crash there during the Leogang race, especially with the speed they're hitting that section (WC track is just to the left).
  • 1 0
 I voted 6 because I didn't get past the second commercial.
  • 29 2
 Unfortunately, “Endless Land Rover Ads“ wasn’t available in the list of worst fails.
  • 3 0
 Yeah. Especially for that weaksauce "new defender".
  • 3 1
 Advertisers seen to think that as we have an outdoors hobby, we want an expensive off-roader. Whereas in reality most of us spend so much on our actual hobby that we can't afford the fancy car (though don't tell our significant others that!). The most popular vehicle I see at the trail head is the work van or an ordinary car that's worth less than the bike on the roof. Or the ubiquitous VW T5 or 6, which is quickly being caught by Ford Transits with stripes
  • 1 0
 @Dustfarter: might as well just buy a 3 series…
  • 13 0
 For all the folks who know how to use the internet: The comments on land rovers are about an add which appears on all browsers without an functional ad blocker installed. #uBlockorigin
  • 15 0
 Can I vote for #0? That opener was a good slam.
  • 2 0
 Seriously. My shoulder hurts just watching that.
  • 3 0
 Brutal hit on a big send and then his bike wacks him for good measure.
  • 2 0
 It sure was! Simon "Simmo" broke his back off that slam. I think it was around 6 months in a body brace. All good now and back hitting that line and clearing it nicely Smile
  • 11 0
 Not sure how I feel about #3....its a great fail (reminds me of the Conner Fields crash in the Tokyo Olympics) but opens the door to just throwing BMX fails in here for content...whats next, roadie fails?
  • 12 1
 Roadie fails are usually carnage tbf
  • 4 0
 This just looks like any given BMX national.
  • 7 0
 Getting crash footage at a BMX race is like shooting fish in a barrel.
  • 3 0
 @JonnyTheWeasel: Same with velodrome fails its like watching nascar wrecks
  • 9 1
 I wonder how many people have booked a vacation to Texas, bought a land rover. Or said F it, killed 2 birds bought a land rover and booked a trip to destination defender (which is in Texas). I was going to but remembered i had to stick my junk in a meat grinder. oh darn.
  • 7 0
 #21 -Cat like reflexes on the guy by the side of the trail filming.
  • 2 0
 Yep frozen in his tracks, like watching a train coming at you from a mile away and still not moving by the time it gets there.
  • 4 0
 "What was the worst fail from Friday Fails #307?"

Correct answer is: "YES"

This had some wreckers in it. Sidenote: I was listening to "don't fear the reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult while watching...It is a good fit.
  • 6 0
 That Texas thing was a fail.
  • 4 0
 Wow.... this was a proper set of brutal ones today !!!!
  • 8 0
 17 isn't gonna remember where he is. That was a really hard whiplash.
  • 3 0
 Isn't #6 from a couple years ago? I'm certain I've seen it before a long time ago.
  • 5 2
 Seriously... a mid crash ad? Jesus H. Nobody around here is buying a brand new defender.

Couple of those were heavy.
  • 1 0
 Yep. Bullshit fucking adds
  • 3 0
 #21 Thoughts while watching:

“Oooo….that’s big….

…ha! Man tree…doesn’t move.”
  • 3 0
 I like the addition of the poll, but you need to let us vote for the intro video
  • 3 0
 #6 Was the one who hit the stumps riding a stumpy?
  • 6 0
 Surely not - they would have managed to jump them all.
  • 3 0
 I answered #1, but there were a lot of savage slams this week
  • 3 0
 #1 was enough for the whole week, all the others were just bonus material.
  • 4 0
  • 4 3
 Looks like Pinkbike finally managed to Defend against pop up blockers and make us all watch a shitty add that inevitably came on in the middle of a crash.
  • 2 0
 I don't know. #22 is the best one-footer to under-inflated basketball attempt I've seen.
  • 2 0
 number 27: so I'm just going to ride straight at this cliff and see what happens...
  • 1 0
 From all the previous fails with people hitting trees, now the trees are cut down and #6 fail still trying to hit trees that are already cut down!
  • 1 0
 #3 - I had to rewatch several times as 2 racers crashed into each other but the last frame had 3 guys down with one bike on the track and one bike out of frame.
  • 2 0
 Worst fail is the dude running for the camera at the end of the Land Rover Ad.
  • 2 0
 Was this a rerun week? I feel like I'd seen most of these before. Maybe it's time for me to stop watching fails
  • 1 0
 Studies show you’re 69% less likely to crash if you’re the first one in the train. Always the trailing dude that eats it
  • 3 1
 Poor @alicialeggett being featured again in #4, isnt that like 5yrs old?
  • 2 0
 Wherever #20 is riding that looks awesome
  • 2 0
 hard to vote for just one. a lot of those were really brutal. yikes
  • 1 0
 Brutal fails instead of Friday fails! Watching them makes me scared of riding again.
  • 2 0
 21 was taking flight lessons
  • 1 0
 "Stumps... why did is have to be stump" ~ I'm going to have bruises from watching that one... Gzus
  • 2 0
 The intro was brutal, what number will that be??
  • 2 0
 Many were worth watching AGAIN. Deju Vu.
  • 2 0
 Honorable mention for that french line.
  • 2 0
 #4 was straight onto pavers, aka the Jerry grater! yikes
  • 1 0
 I want to know wtf #8 was thinking or what happened. That looked goofy
  • 1 0
 #20: What a creative natural hip/gap. Matt Hunter vibes.
  • 1 0
 I think #8 was Ronnie Mac.
  • 1 0
 What was the guy in #15 even doing?
  • 1 0
 Looks like a lot of riders tried to pull Gee this week
  • 2 2
 I'm stumped as to how #6 managed to crash.

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