Video: Friday Fails #114

Apr 17, 2020
by Pinkbike Originals  

It's Friday, enjoy some more glorious fails!

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pinkbikeoriginals avatar

Member since Feb 15, 2012
1,095 articles

  • 84 5
 I say round of applause to the medical staff around the world who normally fix us when we do crazy s*** like this but are now fighting this pandemic.
  • 18 26
flag kingbike2 (Apr 17, 2020 at 8:12) (Below Threshold)
 I was thinking of going for a ride on local mellow flow trail but after seeing these crashes- nope.
  • 63 28
 @kingbike2: if such things make you reconsider riding then just quit MTB regardless of pandemic...
  • 56 7
 Local hospital is about to lay off 600 people because they're sitting around with nothing to do. Everyone is hunkered down, and there isn't much 'rona around these parts. The injury business is in need of customers!
  • 13 2
 @toast2266: Yep. We had a guy get hurt last week and I think 10 departments responded. Boredom in the boo boos & evac biz is real!
  • 46 45
 @WAKIdesigns: His consideration for the medical services in a time of worldwide crisis means he should quit riding?

My consideration of your commenting means you should quit commenting.
  • 1 4
 @kingbike2: When you Risk Shame YOURSELF...
  • 8 20
flag flipoffthemonkeys (Apr 17, 2020 at 10:28) (Below Threshold)
 @toast2266: your local hospital is going out of business for the same reason local hospitals in rural counties are going OOB all over the country - too many uninsured/underinsured/indigent patients.
  • 13 1
 @flipoffthemonkeys: nah. That's not it. Hospital was doing just fine 2 months ago. Hospital visits are down 30-40% since the stay at home order came out.
  • 27 0
 @flipoffthemonkeys: I can't tell you how weird it sounds to European ears to hear about a hospital 'going out of business'. In fact, I'm ignorant enough of the US health system that I didn't even know it was possible.

All the best to the medical professionals facing layoff - that sounds awful.
  • 65 13
 @Linkpin: Yeah, it's pretty strange/sad to live in a country where healthcare is a privilege rather than a right. Half the country has been duped into voting for the corporate wealth of the 1% and considers anything else socialism. Me and mine rather than we...
  • 8 11
Best thought our pink bike comment
Ever .
  • 4 4
 @ranke: Wow ... I take off my hat for you , Sir!
  • 3 4
 @ranke: but it's nice to be able to get whatever work u need done ASAP, assuming u have insurance or tons of money.
  • 9 4
 @ranke: It’s pretty amazing how entrenched that thinking is too. I have a couple of friends in the states who are just wonderful people. We got into a convo one night and the idea of paying more taxes for the good of all hit them like a sack of bricks.
  • 12 36
flag ATV25 (Apr 17, 2020 at 20:13) (Below Threshold)
 @ranke: Are you kidding me ? The 1% keep you employed and pay 50% +or- of the total tax revenue. With out them you'd be f*cked, we would be f*cked ! And no I am not rich, in fact I work my ass off and am happy to do so. We all make our own luck, the harder I work the luckier I seem to get. I wonder how that works ??????
  • 6 2
 @ranke: THIS. All day, this.
  • 14 1
 @freeinpg: the thing is, we don’t pay more taxes in Canada. It just gets given back to we the people up here. I lived and paid taxes in the US for a decade and it is always effectively the same otherwise Canada would loose all their businesses as we would head south. The US uses their tax money differently. Like bailing out failed corporations. Socialism for the rich. Now in Canada I get free healthcare safety net, ability to pay and buy extra health insurance like I had in the US, AND the option to go to the same hospitals, and cash in the bank each month when needed. None of that happening to my family still in the US.
  • 4 1
 @ATV25: One needs to work hard to succeed in life, that much is true. Sadly your reluctance to support creating a more generous social safety net and more equal distribution of wealth with less corporate socialism (poorly managed banks and business getting bailouts from US tax payers) is short sided. Such a system would reward your hard work more than the current neo-conservative system and demagoguery that you currently support.
  • 1 0
 @ATV25: check out this article, and please stop listening to the conservative media or liberal media, they all have the same goal (control your mind) and funnel money to the exact same people!
  • 2 0
 @flipoffthemonkeys: and you get down vote for that.
  • 1 0
 @savagelake: until they gets hit by it, and then, boohoo!
  • 9 4
 @Flatlanderic: I must say that for a side observer like me those US word fights about capitalism/ socialism are just bizarre. The side that is scared of anything socialism seems incredibly delusional and ideologically charged by I cannot exactly figure out what. Milton Friedman I guess. At the very same time your left, at least the intellectual left seems to be occupied not with presenting solutions supporting common good, work insurances, parental leaves, sick leaves - they are into gender/ racial equality, civil rights bullshit as if KKK events were taking place every weekend and blacks as well as transvestites were lynched. The middle seems to not exist and people have a hard time realizing that some actions of each government in the world are capitalistic, some are socialistic, some are conservative, some are progressive, these are just umbrella terms and none of the systems can be fully achieved. It would be utopian to think so, and utopias create monsters. Milton was scared of governments and seemed to have believed in some awkward form of anarchy where humans steer the world by voting with dollars. According to his utopian ideas one should simply deconstruct government, which according to returning gaze of the void principle, means that he would have to put in place another rule to achieve it. He would have to have a group of people who would make sure no government is formed. Which would require rather tyrranical power. That is the problem with Utopians of any kimd: sooner or later, the snake eats it’s own tail
  • 4 1
 @WAKIdesigns: the middle exists here, we just don't vocalize our opinions as much as the others. and ur right, lots of peeps don't realize how much "socialism" we already have.
  • 1 7
flag ATV25 (Apr 18, 2020 at 12:03) (Below Threshold)
 @Flatlanderic: Exactly, that's why less government and people taking responsibility for themselves should be the norm, not "free" for all who will take it. Where do you think the "free" comes from ? From the labors of you and me. The government can't fund itself, it needs income, I.E. taxes. The problem is people being lazy, with their hands out, EXPECTING to be taken care of. WTF did that thinking come from . . . Liberals who want YOU to depend on them so THEY can have all power.
  • 8 1
 @ATV25: yeah, show me your private jet? Don’t have one? That’s cause you’re lazy! Sorry, I am mot interested in your excuses why you don’t have one. BTW stop wasting time writing on internet. Aren’t you supposed to be working?
  • 3 8
flag ATV25 (Apr 18, 2020 at 12:50) (Below Threshold)
 @WAKIdesigns: You know, I like your style ! Yes I am working :-) . As for my private jet, if I were a Dentist maybe, but since I am a working stiff 2-BMX bikes, 1-MTB, 2-4 wheelers, 1-3 wheeler, 1- Kia, 1- Ram truck & 5 acres will have to do. Have a good day sir ;-)
  • 8 0
 @ATV25: Have you realised that you are taking time to boast on the internet about having a Kia? Just thought I'd check.
  • 3 2
 @ATV25: I met a few people with “self made man” attitude and there’s lot to it. I also met olenty of completely helpless blokes floating in the wind, oblivious to the fact that they actually can make certain decisions that will ground them in one way or another and allow them to take a certain direction. Then there’s happy idiot folks who always land on their feet. But then... there’s this bunch who work so fkng hard and don’t get anywhere. You could accuse them of being too focused on only one area of their life. And I’ve seen these people grind their lives only to get fired. Hell, I pitied them but at the same time, knew they are doing great job but their complete lack of ability to fight for their rights, to try to shine a bit. And then there’s people whose lives are fkd up. They are just unlucky fks. What about people who want to ride bikes or surf and don’t give much sht? People who love their families so much they sacrifice their riding and work?

Where am I getting with this is... we are all different and you obviously have no problems with your serotonin levels. Free will doesn’t really exist. If it does, then there’s also soul. It means it is extremely elusive and very rare. You are completely oblivious to the fact that you are just experiencing shit. Virtually Everything is predisposed, just like the fact whether you will or will not reply to my comment. It depends on everything you’ve been through, what you ate today, how you slept last night. There are some lazy fks out there but I am pretty sure they are as rare as super achievers.
  • 1 0
 @inonyme: yeah, not much surprises me anymore...
  • 1 1
 @Linkpin: 100k warranty and paid for !
  • 1 4
 @WAKIdesigns: Maybe I am just shallow, but from where I sit most people have what they have because that's all they want, hell I could have been a Dentist if I was focused enough when I was younger and if I would have been I could take you on a flight HAHAHAHA
  • 7 0
 @ranke: for someone who worked in the health industry for nearly 15yrs it truly amazes me how a developed country can have a health system such as the American medical system.
Everyone should have an equal opportunity for for basic health care and the fact that insurance companies and money play such a part in it is absolutely abhorrent IMO.
The land of the free aye.
  • 4 3
 @WAKIdesigns: sorry Waki, but the people whom are occupied with gender equality and civil rights bullshit are not what I would call the 'intellectual left'. They're simply rights hipsters who try to intellectualize everything yet have nothing intellectual to say.
  • 1 0
 @WAKIdesigns: This has to be the most cohesive statement I've read from you in years. Also, congrats on such a through understanding of the politics of a foreign country!
  • 3 2
 @PullMyBrakeLever: thanks but I mostly repeated what many said on Joe Rogan. I just remember being shocked when I was reading Milton Friedmans Free to Chose as well as listen to some debates with him on Youtube. It was hard to not agree with many of his statements however, one can get a rather clear impression that he was ideologically charged and went ears deep into the void, came back with a hammer and from then on everything looked like a nail to him. The shocking bit was that there was the same of delusional vibe about him that Marxists seemed to have. He was just on another side of the fence. But as Chomsky has pointed out, Milton was active in US organized coups and establishing puppet governments in South American countries, increased power among butchers like Pinochet in Chile. All in line with US bankers who would lend money to SA countries in return for ridiculously cheap raw materials and outrageous rates. He himself said that the biggest threat to freedom is concentration of power, and huh, ironically power is being concentrated in private hands. Socialism became socialism for the rich, look no further than bail outs in 2008. We are all good, we never had it better, but damn, it’s ridiculous how we have no ability to fomr an idea of how we would like to be governed. Populists deconstructed politics, they destroyed opposition and turned journalism into some low bottom entertainment. Now people like ATv25 still don’t have enough, they believe that “capitalists” or rather folks who want to do things like cut taxes, act in their interest. Hah... as if Trump was to destroy some rigged system, holy damn. We are in deep shit. We don’t know what is real anymore, we kind of accept that they are all lying, and the worst thing you can do is to beloeve they act in your interest. Press is occupied with bringing up their lies, well, off course these are lies! Trump or Boris or Putin spew so much horseshit that no press and no opposition in the world can keep up with putting it straight. People who rightfully don’t believe Politicians lost to idiots who do.
  • 2 0
 @WAKIdesigns: any type of civil rights will never be bullshit. America is one the most racist places on planet earth, which should be obvious to even a side observer.
  • 2 4
 @Uncled: really? I am pretty sure in general people in Russia are more racist and when you go south, like middle East or Africa... things go south rather quickly. That is the problem, comfy, white snowflakes with too few problems at hand, who have no bloody clue what racism is. So they formed an outrage culture and invented words like “microaggression”. And professors as well as local politicians are providing them support, because hey, who doesn’t like a bunch of passionate 21-24yr olds chant what you just said. I’ve been studying with some of these people chanting how awful gentrification is. They just wanted power and attention. And they were always as white as it gets.
  • 2 2
 @WAKIdesigns: Man, you read way to much into shit ! I NEVER said I wanted more, never even alluded to it ! I am actually pretty happy where I am at in my life right now. And as far as government goes, "shitshow" should be it's calling card ! You or I have no idea what the truth really is, do we :-/ And none of them act in the interest of their constituents, if they tried to they would be run out of DC ! Self serving through serving special interests is all I can see from my little hole on the ground ! But Ides give us something to discuss, that's worth something LOL
  • 3 0
 @WAKIdesigns: I have worked in the Middle East, Africa (Somalia and Yemen), Europe, North and South America and throughout SE Asia. In every one of those countries I have heard people spout off about racism and comparing theirs to other countries. Truth is, having seen most parts of the world there is nowhere that is not racist (have not been to Greenland - so apologies if I am lumping you guys in there) and the ‘level’ is simply conversely reflected in the value life holds and the rule of law. The underpinning attitudes are exactly the same, it is simply the ‘what can I get away with’ factor that changes. I never hate, despise nor fear those that fight for civil liberties, even if those same people have called me such wonderful things as baby killer or mercenary and in my previous jobs and now regularly call me fascist blue bully in my current one Smile . I just tell them to buy a bike and go riding - they’ll feel much better about things.
  • 3 4
 @pinkbikeaudience please fix this crap when we can't delete our comment and where we can't remove notifications on our dashboard. Every time I make a comment and wacky designs decides he wants to ramble on and on with assanine comments It turned into a 50-page memoir f****** stupid ramblings from a piece of s*** idiot there's got to be a way to turn off notifications
  • 3 3
 @blowmyfuse: that was rich. Piece of shit? Daddy issues or what? Boys beat you up at school?
  • 35 1
 What the heck happened at 3:38 blew a tire doing nothing? Maybe it's a bear trap ?
  • 39 0
 Snipers in the woods-
  • 38 0
 I saw something move on the grassy knoll.
  • 2 0
 My guess is the tire (or the rim) was ready to go, or running too low pressure, and they just happened to turn into a rut in just the right way...
  • 11 0
 Used Coffee Mate instead of Stans?
  • 2 0
 Whatever it was, it looks like it messed up his rim.
  • 2 0
 damaged before or bad tire installation
  • 3 1
 @Ian713: At first I thought so too, but I think it's just that the bead blew off the rim and the sidewall if flopping around, making it look like the rim is a taco.
  • 1 0
 @JXN1: tastes way better when u suck it out to avoid getting sealant all over ur tube.
  • 19 0
 Well ladies and gents , today winner is 2:40 !!! (No comments on that one please)
Second place is for X Files 3:40 ish ?!
Third place is going for last crash to a guy who stuck in Matrix Wink
Thanks Pinkbike for entertaining afternoon.
See you next week as usual.
  • 8 0
 I thought #1 was a perfect fail. Also, I'm pretty sure there is a whaambulence on the way at 2:18.
  • 10 0
 That guy at 3:02 did himself a big favor by smashing that ridiculous bike computer off his handlebars.
  • 3 0
 That 2.40 is really bad they must be dead
  • 4 0
 @tbubier: I was just thinking of mounting a computer on my free ride bike , not cool?
  • 7 0
 @kingbike2: definitely ask pinkbike what's "cool" about your bike. Will give great results, in no time you'll be rolling down your paved trail on a 200mm inverted fork carbon high pivot trust fork bottled caged masterpiece!!
  • 4 0
 @gorideyourbikeman: So it’s not cool. Had to ask cause I still ride 2X, 26 , full body armour and wear a backpack ????.
  • 1 0
 I also found 2:22 very funny and classic Smile
  • 6 0
 i am 2:40 Big Grin Razz sprained wrist
  • 1 0
 @GladstoneS: For real? WTF???
  • 3 0
 @mybaben: no like for real look at my vids its in there
  • 1 0
 I think that tree at 3:40 ish deserves some credit right place wrong time standing its ground minding its own business and then it gets sucker punched.

Maple, oak, hemlock, never matters we loose every time.
  • 19 1
 One thing I’ve been noticing lately is the percentage of people that hit their head on these falls. Even the shoulder first falls also have decent head contact often. Interesting, as someone with a bunch of concussions, I’ll often fall and take it on my elbow or shoulder or hip and leave with a bit of a headache, but we’re all probably hitting our head as a secondary impact more than we think. Buy a good helmet!
  • 1 1
 this feels so true. Honestly, the last time I had a bad-ish crash I instinctively parkour-rolled out of it down a hill and couldnt find a single scratch on my helmet, which was VERY surprising. Thanks to those 2 months of classes I took 7 years ago, I guess. The ability to safely shoulder-roll out of a crash probably helps, but not much was gonna help that poor woman who went face-first into that landing.
  • 1 0
 Fails and bails made wear a fullface
  • 20 0
 another week... another kurwa!
  • 5 0
 Best comment!
  • 18 0
 That sideways drop looks awkward anyway. Remember folks not ALL features are “good” features.
  • 16 2
 stop including portrait videos and maybe people will stop recording in portrait.
  • 6 2
 Its the apocalypse, I think they will take what they get for the time being
  • 2 5
 Ever hear of this thing called instagram?
  • 14 0
 No, is that for ass hats that can’t record in landscape? @kookseverywhere:
  • 2 9
flag kookseverywhere FL (Apr 17, 2020 at 12:06) (Below Threshold)
 Grammer nazis and landscape video nazis are the same people I'm convinced
  • 3 5
 Curveball: portrait mode is actually better for lots of videos....
  • 4 0
 @kookseverywhere: portrait videoers are probably actual nazis though...fact
  • 1 0
 @kookseverywhere: Grammar. Ve have vays und means of making you spell. ;-)
  • 1 0
 @kookseverywhere: grammar nazis wear bowties landscape nazis wear scarves.
  • 13 0
 Mountain biking is fun. Not for most of these people but for the rest of us it's fun.
  • 9 0
 may 5% of the bails are earned, the rest are just people with zero skill ridding several few bars above their limits... keep it up.
  • 9 0
 Was a bit rougher than usual, these face plants and neck benders hurt when seeing them...
  • 10 0
 Did that bush just give birth to a biker!!
  • 5 1
 Yeah,that was really weird,a bit like Jim Carrey coming out of that rhino
  • 8 0
 The more I watch these, the more I think I need to get a full-face helmet. Absolutely brutal!
  • 6 0
 Honestly, and I hate to say this but, some of these people need to stay off the mountain bike trails and get into road cycling Smile
  • 3 0
 I thought it was a good round this week! Always amazed at how many people do things that are clearly above their skill level! On the other hand it amazes me how often the simplest things cause the biggest crashes. I always say you rarely get hurt on the "riskiest" things because you are so prepared to get out of the situation.
  • 6 2
 2:15... doing your own stupid sht is mountain biking. Setting up stupid sht that your kids break their necks on while you’re filming makes you an ahole.
  • 1 0
 he got a broken rib*
  • 6 0
 3:40 video evidence of the famous "Just riding along" wheel taco.
  • 2 0
  • 6 0
 Hey everybody, lay off the front brakes for a bit.
  • 5 0
 How about lay off the brakes period... So many slow speed wreaks. Speed is your friend.
  • 7 1
 I love it when it’s a slo mo but it still escalates quickly
  • 6 0
 Back to Sweden?
  • 1 1
 @ReformedRoadie: yes! The Corona taming pride!
  • 5 0
 If you wear a Bell or Fox Pro Frame your chances of eating it are MUCH higher.
  • 4 0
 Comments from behind the camera are gold this week.
"Send iiiitt! Ohh."
"Oh shit"
"Ha ha"
"Yeah like that. Ohhh you ok?"
"Shit... Shit"
  • 5 0
 A lot of brake grabbing today too, that always makes for a rough time.
  • 2 1
 I guess that was my problem last week... after landing to the left in a small bump unfortunately I shot OTB. Braking could explain that. Maybe I better jump using death grip. Neck and hand still hurt. No video, I'm sorry...
  • 1 0
 @yoobee: Speed is your friend. Casing a jump or going slow through techy sections will usually end up with you either on your behind or hurt. Often times landing flat is preferable for me since a lot of the jumps I attempt are built as gaps or doubles (that's the trouble with having a bunch of DJ/Freerider friends)
  • 1 0
 @Ajorda: You got me wrong. My speed was good but I hit a bump behind the jump and the compression made me break to way hard...kind of overreaction.
  • 5 0
 Last guy ended up in the rabbit hole from Alice in Wonderland.
  • 1 0
 I was thinking more jack and the beanstalk ?
  • 5 0
 Trees giveth and taketh away.
  • 4 0
 3:35 - Great advice from my dad
"Rub some dirt in it"
and "quit crying"
and "you're scaring your mother"
  • 3 0
 I made a cameo. Dude crashing at 2:47 is my friend.... I walk into the shot wearing a blue shirt. Circa 2011/12. Lol. Where do they dig this footage up from?
  • 5 0
 That last 360 View......
  • 34 2
 crashing was karma for using it
  • 1 0
 @OnkleJoachim: couldn't agree more.
  • 5 0
 OK - that's what that was. I couldn't tell when the crash actually happened; kind of looked like a fail the entire time...
  • 3 0
 And during these times, we can still feel like part of the action...By casing the comments section
  • 4 0
  • 2 0
 The combined yelling and the way the camera panned at 1:09 is the funniest thing to me
  • 1 0
 ya man thats what i was going to comment. +1 for you amigo.
  • 2 0
 Ok, so until today I've never watched FF listening with earphones. Most of the crashes become absolutely paranormal.
  • 3 0
 Some of the reactions this week are gold. A person with some audio talent could make a badass remix
  • 3 0
 4:05. The miracle of birth. Who says this is not an educational website?
  • 3 0, I felt that from here.
  • 2 0
 3:46 I started cringing like crazy when I saw him start to really crank the pedals... Nooooo. Don't go faster!!
  • 3 0
 I love when the first clip is the same as the intro cartoon
  • 3 0
 Some of these seem extra brutal... plus the guy @ 1:55 lost his bell.
  • 2 0
 ahahaha yes this particular crop was extra pathetic. I LOVE it
  • 1 0
 That a serious treehugger at 3:54, and what did that guy at the end even crash on/fall into, sounded like a small airplane engine cutting out?
  • 2 0
 Why does everybody always run over to the rider that just crashed? Is it to stick their head back on if it has come off?
  • 2 0
 WOW, the guy at 2:40! He literally just came off for no reason and then exploded!
  • 1 0
 he has a shitty old bike and his chain jumped up on the rough run in making his pedal clunk so his foot came off the pedal so he tried to stop. but yr way nasty
  • 1 0
 @iljahsimpkin: Never try rad features on shitty equipment mate. Frown
  • 1 0
 @mybaben: yep, pretty much
  • 3 1
 Ha, 1:44 the one on the pink bike! ... Wait, what?
  • 2 0
 Thank you pinkbike. Always good for some laughs on a Friday morning.
  • 2 2
 I have some crash footage that blows most of these outta the water.... does anyone know how I get it submitted for Friday fails?
  • 2 0
 here he comes...HERE HE COMES...with his balls on the top tube!
  • 2 0
 2:01- Even in slo- mo, the fork rebounded too fast.
  • 2 0
 that no-footer dead sailer at :23 was pretty sick
  • 2 0
 Make pew-pew sound, tree does not blow up, hits tree
  • 1 0
 I sincèrely hope these people bought a New helmet After thèse .... Dead Horse
  • 2 0
 Nice editing at 3:05 record scratch
  • 1 0
 Hey you will end up on Friday Fails but you get to go riding. Hmmm. Sounds good.
  • 2 0
 The OTB special
  • 1 0
 *no trees were hurt in these clips.
  • 1 0
 2:02, local riding spot. That drop is bigger in person.
  • 1 1
 I watch these videos not for the crashes, but to try and recognize trails I’ve rode. A nice “what not to do”
  • 1 0
 Hmm, still looks like a Session.....
  • 1 0
 Was that a post-crash shart at 1:31?
  • 1 0
 A few front end washouts there. Maybe go with a 4.0 inch front tyre
  • 1 0
 3:53 got some distance off the tree hit!
  • 1 0
 3:04 - the music was so awful the bike decided to end it..
  • 1 0
 Always love seeing these!!! This makes my weekend lol
  • 2 2
 2:39 second woman's head explodes and becomes dirt. amazing
  • 1 0
 1:51: "yeah, like that!"
  • 1 0
 1:00 pull up, not out
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Send it! Hahahaha!
  • 1 2
 Dear PinkBike: Crashes of consenting adults who should know better: hilarious. Crashes of kids: No. Don't post them.
  • 1 0
 What's the age of consent for riding a bike lol
  • 1 0
 0.02 -> My man Big Grin

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