This was like one of those times you REALLY have to sneeze, but nothing happens. You just sit there with your mouth open and a weird feeling of expectation.
Thank you Pinkbike, I need friday fails to remind myself to not Push too hard. Now I am way too confident and will probably crash riding on the Weekend...
If I'm not mistaken, the fail in the opening video is by the videographer, for (1) filming vertically and (2) letting another bystander's back upstage the critical moment in the clip.
Considering you waste the time to put out saves and sends edits weekly, this was silly. April Fools blah blah blah I wanna see people getting too rad!!
No one fell off there bike!
It was shorter then usual Friday fails?
I'm getting concerned that the people learned how to actually shred their bikes
Touché Pinkbike, touchè
Why would anyone pay for beta?