The rider at 2:45 had no business trying to ride that feature. That could have ended really badly- even worse than it looked. Sometimes you wonder what these people are thinking when their skill is so clearly short of what's needed to ride the feature. Hope for the best?
This is why I'm not a fan of ebikes. Gumbys can get further and hit bigger features on a heavier machine. The carnage will get worse because of that-I have forseen it.
@jdkellogg: I think they're all riding the stupid train together. We only get the footage of one crash, but it's probably not the only crash that day (or on that feature).
I had to watch that over and over - I can't believe it's an actual person sitting on a bike because when the bike went over that last hump, the person was motionless! My god, that was a massive send and a massive crash!
As sure as the bird will sing in the morn, there shall be at least one prepubescent cackle of laughter as a young man watches his peer eat shit on Friday Fails.
The second clip (the urban stairway) was missing something... Like the shot of the lifeless body. It ended so quickly I seriously hope that person is OK.
Pretty sure 1:38 is the Boneyard Drop in Bentonville. It's a legit drop with a good landing. The problem is that it has a little rock irregularity that juts up on the takeoff and has a tendency to buck a rider's backwheel if they don't prehop. It also claims a lot of victims because things tend to be built to safely in Bentonville that people get in over their heads when they ride something that's more natural and irregular.
Wooh, that stair jump in the second clip. Did not expect to see my old hometown Basel 'Stadttheater" (municipal theatre)' looong stairway featured this way. More rehearsals needed, and some theater tec to soften the impact..
3:10 was just brilliant. You expect to see the first guy eat it on the rock drop, but then the guy behind goes OTB after hitting a pebble. Well played fake-out!
I love watching middle aged white guys crash in these clips. They all think they know how to mountain bike cause they use to ride to high school on a bmx.
P.S. do people think their bikes will magically power them over gap jumps? PEDAL PEOPLE!!!
Blows my mind how many people are pedaling frantically at shit they and their friends know they are going to bin it 19 times out of 20 attempts.
People in these vids are shit friends/riding buddies.
What did Jimmy tell me..."eyes closed, butt firmly on seat, hang on and the bike will do the work"
And 1:25 would be flattening the goodies. Also ouch.