Fine line between a lot of this week's crashes being funny and being life in a wheelchair injuries, so many of them could have gone really bad. I watch Friday Fails to remind myself to ride for tomorrow ....
Bikes have gotten much much faster over 20 years, trails have gotten way more high energy, but the ability of the human body to absorb impact has remained fixed. And energy is 1/2MVsquared, so when V goes up a little bit, the impact energy goes up a ton. The difference between 11mph and 15mph is more than DOUBLE the impact energy. Across a population, 3mph faster means a ton more human damage. FF needs a surgical impact appendix.
I think everyone should see the bad crashes to see what can go wrong and how they ended up crashing so badly. It's gruesome but educational, like a pilot studying air crashes.
Guy at 3:15 - I've hit a cedar tree like that, shoved pieces of the branch under the skin above my ear, blood everywhere. Had to go to my veterinarian buddy after hours to pull them out and disinfect it.
For me it's a tie this week. The guy who faceplanted on the rock slab probably sustained more damage, but the dude falling so ignominiously off the end of the wooden jump platform and continuing to get rag-dolled on the slope below had such fail Je ne sais quoi.
It's not always about the fat case....
FF needs a surgical impact appendix.
Also, the human body has an almost inmate reflex to adequately protect it's most vital areas. Humans are not a ball simply crashing into a wall.
We all crash. Push your limits responsibly.
▢ Proper body position
▢ Proper protection
▢ Proper instruction
✔ Trying a 14" jump
I don't need to be landing hard on my shoulder / collar bone, and experiencing other deceleration events.
- Why did the guy at 1:15 explode?