Great question! The rider is coming up to the jump and starts shifting their weight forward to anticipate the jump face, but as they're moving forward and standing up to absorb the force of the jump, their rear wheel hits a rock or root that they hadn't noticed. When the rider's rear wheel hits the bump, the rear wheel slows down significantly and the riders weight shifts forward violently. It looks like the rider is also braking with the rear brake a little to speed check before the jump, which is going to exacerbate how much the rear wheels slows down when they hit the rock or root. If the rider isn't expecting a lot of traction from the rear wheel as they're braking and then they hit a rock and the rear wheel instantly locks up, it's really bad. It's a pretty common way to crash, and you can even see World Cup DH racers crash in this exact way sometimes when they don't see a tiny rock or root at the wrong time. I've eaten shit this way in race runs. It sucks.
This week there's still a few people in way over their head, and inexplicably hitting trees and whatnot, but the level of rider skill and (unsuccessful) stunts has taken a big step up.
if we are referring to the guy who superman'd off the's b/c his ass got sucked into the rear tire as he was going off. Got to imagine getting your balls pinched before you are slammed into the ground has got to be terrible
@SATN-XC: I was mostly referring to a lot of the fails we see in most of the episodes they post. For sure a lot less drop fails in this one but I swear there was one where it was just a straight ride off haha.
Nice to see a woman and a person of colour in the mix, but there is still too much white privilege in these clips. I am starting to think that Pinkbike is racist and misogynist against bipoc people and women. Best be proving me wrong with some diversity, inclusivity and equity.
You just assumed the race and gender of every single other rider, bigot. See, your insane stupidity works both ways.
Back to room 101 for you for cancellation and re-education. Your country checks out anyway... with the guy who assults women, likes bollywood clothes and wears black paint on his face.
screw white males and their disproportionate likelihood to crash on the trails. so are we going to find non white non males and start making them crash or something??
anyways calling someone privileged because they are white is in fact racism
And gnarly it was indeed.
Thanks Pinkbike! I actually still want to go riding after watching this one
2:10 is the distinct posture of ITOFTS - I'm too old for this sh*t
The stutter bumps coming in could have temporarily paralyzed the rider.
That was how we found out about my wife's condition.
She hit the deck too but much harder and much worse consequences.
Saw some bright lights myself last week, so I stand in solidarity with you... Rock on fellow concussee's!!!!
anyways calling someone privileged because they are white is in fact racism