Anyone else notice that when the animated bike explodes in the intro, it’s a road bike double crank that flies off? I will now ponder this every Friday.
@phalley: Agreed, 1000% a road crank. If you get the right full screen pause at exactly 0:11 (11 seconds) from the very start it's plain as day it is a goofy animation of the asymmetric "spider", likely Shimano, with a really well worn big ring and possibly a Quarq-like power meter in the wrong position. Small chainring is way too big to be a granny or the small on a mountain double, and also needs replacing due to tooth wear.
@VtVolk, however you got to this, well done. Some animator somewhere needs to explain themselves.
I didn't consider the back flip to nose pick a fail really. Dude might have sputtered into a tree afterwards, but surviving the back flip was victory ✌️
Props to the lady at 1:10"! Bit of a tricky move and she managed more or less avoid a real yard sale. So cool to see the ladies get shreddy, even if there is the occasional (and obligatory) mistake.
@Poachninja: Yeah, the censorship overlord doesn't seem to speak any other languages. I've recognized swears in French, German, Dutch and a few suspected ones other langguages I don't speak. And of course 'kurwa', which is used in a number languages, including Polish.
@flattoflat: I'm a parent. Kids are going to hear these words at some point in their life, and they are going to repeat them. Most important thing is, that they learn what the appropriate time and place for swear words is. Seeing a friend smacking their face in the dirt at near lethal speed is one of the most appropriate times to use swear words.
Pretty sure it was an airpod, unless it came from the next clip. That guy got knocked so unconscious that pieces of him definitely could have flown into adjacent clips.
Then don't click on the video lol but don't come whine about it when its your own doing!! I swear people are just getting more stupid by the day!! Here I'll click a video called Friday FAILs and then complain I don't wanna see people get hurt... thats like saying you don't wanna smoke crack but putting the pipe to your lips lighting the lighter and sucking it back!!
@mhoshal: To be fair, crack is the best-tasting of all smoke-able drugs, especially when you get a hold of the Supreme Cream. Just keepin it creamy with y'all.
@cherouvim: analogy of your exact steps? I agree. Your methods are worrying. Don't post that you don't like something when you have complete control not to watch it
@VtVolk, however you got to this, well done. Some animator somewhere needs to explain themselves.
10-ply is one of those trails that looks like a literal joke on film but is actually pretty proper in person
showing people get completely wadded up is A-ok but we cant hear someone scream f*ck and SHIT???